I know my readership is wondering where I’ve been. I’m here to tell you there is an explanation. When I haven’t been working 20 hour days, I’ve experienced the following fun, stupid, and crazy adventures:
fun –> sleeping
stupid –> watching Virginia Tech football while sitting in Hurricane Isabel
crazy –> going to the Miss America Pageant
For photographic proof, here’s a view from Section 215, Row S, Seat 7 (yes, that’s the last row):

If you haven’t seen Miss California’s performance of “At This Moment”, find it and watch it immediately. You will not believe it. I sat in the lobby of Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, listening to Miss California sing this song live. It’s truly stunning, in the same way that listening to two cats fighting is joyful.
That’s the story of where I’ve been. Don’t abandon me, my dear, faithful readers. I will be back soon. I have lots of fun experiences coming soon.
OMG! I was in Section 215, Row S, Seat 8! And I was in the lobby while MzCA was singing! What a coincidence!
Y’all went to MAP. I hate you both. That’s OK though because I’m going to VEGAS!!!