I didn’t find anything interesting today that I care to write about. Instead, I’ll just ease into the holiday weekend with a bit of vacation wrap-up. I won’t blabber about all the minute details, because they’re mostly interesting to me and Danielle alone. Instead, here are a few final observations, with multimedia accompaniment.
First up, we saw Penn & Teller at the Rio. I can’t recommend the show enough. Aside from being fantastically libertarian, they’re good showmen. I know what we saw was illusion, but it’s well-done illusion. And definitely sit in the front row, if you can get the tickets. Teller called me out to participate in a card trick. I got to keep the 9 of diamonds that I pulled from the deck, which both Penn and Teller signed after the show. And I heard Teller speak! Recommended.
Next, I promised a bit on George Takei. I recorded the Q&A panel he participated in (with Walter Koenig and Nichelle Nichols), so I have audio. Mr. Takei was engaging in his talk. I haven’t edited most of it for blog placement, since I don’t know who would be interested, but just for the sheer joy of it, you must listen to the three sing “God Bless America”. I only caught a bit of the song because it came at the end of the show, after controversial topics. The rest of the audio would explain it, but you don’t need it to enjoy the clip. Behold:
Personally, Mr. Takei was quite engaging when I had my photo-op. (So worth the $35…) It’s supposed to be wham-bam-thank-you, but he stopped to talk to me when I mentioned Artie Lange and the William Shatner roast. It was brief, but he was engaging and gracious when he didn’t have to be. I appreciated that, especially since I don’t care two bits about Star Trek.
At one point, I stood between Greg Evigan and Robert Culp. Star Trek conventions in Vegas rock. I also saw Felix Silla, who played Cousin Itt and Twiki (from Buck Rogers). If you’ve never been to a Star Trek convention, go. It’s a great experience. Did I mention that I don’t like Star Trek? Yeah? That’s how awesome the conventions are.
Everything in Vancouver was quite literal. Witness:

Signs like this will make you take notice:


And finally, because my sense of humor is still four-years-old:

Celebrities and juvenile humor. There’s no better way to spend a vacation.