“It’s kind of a random proximity thing.”

I’m not going to claim a large tale of woe. I’m fine, and I expect to stay that way. But having a chunk of my neck excised to remove my first basal cell carcinoma marks today as less than one of the highlights of my life. I say first because, with my fair skin, I don’t expect it to be my last. Joy. Wear sunscreen.

Rather than meditate on life in a way that seems irrationally melodramatic given the circumstances, I’ll take this opportunity to say how grateful I am for American health care. Whatever its faults may be, it worked for me in this instance. I say that even though I’m paying the entire expense out-of-pocket because I have a high-deductible insurance plan. (Sometimes, I actually walk my talk.) We need to be very careful how we encourage politicians to interfere. Turn them lose and they’ll bulldoze our system of care, not the system of political incentives that are the real problem.

With that, my wound is throbbing. I’m going to mindlessly play video games.

P.S. Link title reference here.