I’m trying to figure out a way to criticize Michael Gerson’s column in yesterday’s Washington Post that properly registers the obliviousness to the contradictions of his protests. If I spent enough time to develop something pithy, it would be scathing. Instead, I’ll jump into his opening paragraphs:
There is a common thread running through President Obama’s pro-choice agenda: the coercion of those who disagree with it.
Obama has begun providing federal funds for international groups that promote or perform abortions overseas. He has moved to weaken conscience protections for health-care professionals. And he has chosen the most radical possible option on the use of embryonic stem cells — a free license for researchers, with boundaries set only by the National Institutes of Health.
So, when the president wants to use public funds to pay for abortion, we must think of those who disagree with abortion. But when the president wants to direct public funds to faith-based organizations, Gerson misses the flaw. When the president wants to direct public funds to pay for circumcising healthy African infant males, Gerson misses the flaw. What’s good to Michael Gerson is apparently all that’s good, and you should pay for it, too. But how dare you not place limits on government for issues that he opposes.
Michael Gerson is a hypocrite.
Yep, there’s no way around coercing those not in the winning coalition. Politics is never neutral.
I make the same point here.