I’ll ignore that the Congress should deal with bigger issues

Now that I’ve moved a considerable distance from my previous residence, I’d assumed that I’d be free of the insufferable disgrace that is Congressman Loose Cannon&#153. When I checked a few days ago, just out of curiosity, I couldn’t believe the gerrymandered nonsense that enabled me to remain within his representation. Thus, I preface this entry with an acknowledgement that I will continue to write about him as a matter of constituency rather than spite. The spite is there, but it wouldn’t be enough to sustain me. Regardless, I’ll be very busy during next year’s Congressional campaign season.

Everyone has by now heard that Rafael Palmeiro tested positive for steroids. It’s a bit shocking and a disgrace for Major League Baseball. Hopefully it’s nothing more than a sign that testing is serious and will not be blind to the bigger names of the game. It’s all wonderful.

The amusing aspect of the story is this:

“As a practical matter, perjury referrals are uncommon. Prosecutions are rare,” House Government Reform Committee chairman Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., said Wednesday in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.

“But this is a high-profile case, so I think it will get an honest look-see. I don’t think anyone can avoid it.”

I’m not going to attack Congressman Loose Cannon for this. As much as it pains me to say it, his basic point is right. Mr. Palmeiro represented himself one way and the facts, after his testimony, may discredit his original testimony. His innocence is still assumed, but any rational person would question his truthfulness. So, despite Congressman Loose Cannon’s obvious posturing and the complete idiocy of the original hearings, I can’t fault him for shoveling deeper in the hole he’s dug for the House.

I can, however, point out his additional comment on the matter.

And then Davis added: “If we did nothing, I think we’d look like idiots. Don’t you?”

Sometimes it’s so easy that it’s not even fun.

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