Moose out front shoulda told ya

I won’t be blogging much, if at all, over the next few days. Work is ramping up for a software demonstration. This wouldn’t be burdensome, except we “temporarily” shelved the product more than fourteen months ago. I need a refresher, which will consume most of my time.

More than that, my hosting service for Rolling Doughnut expires on Thursday. I could renew, which I’ve done the past few years, but I’m consolidating my web projects onto one hosting account. Rolling Doughnut is the last migration. Obviously it can’t wait any longer, unless I let it go dark. That won’t happen.

The switch involves name server changes and all the fun technical stuff corresponding with setting up a server that could mean down time for the site. I suspect the migration to the new installation of Movable Type will be trouble-free, but there’s no guarantee. If it’s down, don’t fret. Or, fret and refresh repeatedly until the site comes back. You choose. I’m not the boss of you.

Also, I’m still using an old template (from MT 2.64, I think) that’s no longer delivered. I like it because of the color scheme, so I want that to move, too. The site may look a little buggy until I test everything, hopefully over the next few days. The RSS feed should be fine, though. If not, please check back for the new feed later this week if that’s how you read the site. I appreciate that people read Rolling Doughnut, so I want to keep it as convenient as possible. However you read my site, thanks for continuing to read.

One thought on “Moose out front shoulda told ya”

  1. Another reason you won’t be blogging over the next few days is that it’s likely our house will collapse and the computer will be drenched in a flood of water from the tub upstairs.
    And the change of host.

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