Sometimes, “benefits” can’t accrue.

How many of these cases will we need before we realize that healthy children should not be surgically altered? (Originally from the Canadian Pediatrics and Child Health Journal’s April issue – pdf.)

Ontario’s chief coroner, Jim Cairns, details how the child, 7 days old, was brought to a doctor for a circumcision in 2006. The doctor used a PlastiBell ring. Local anaesthetic was not used.

I’ll spare the details, but the baby boy died from complications seven days after the PlastiBell was applied to his penis to unnecessarily remove his previously healthy foreskin. When people advertise all of the potential medical benefits from infant circumcision, they tell a woefully incomplete story. When they advertise the surgery as having only minor, rare complications, they lie. Again, how many boys must die unnecessarily to serve a utilitarian dream of risk-free society?

From the article:

Dr. Cairns writes that in canvassing colleagues, he found a number of complications following circumcision in Canada, including:

– two children with necrosis or death of tissue in the penis
– two infants requiring transfusions
– one baby with a buried penis following to a circumcision
– a number of infants with complications related to the use of devices to perform the circumcisions.

Yet none of these complications were reported in the medical literature and so are not publicly available for study or for review.

On that last point, I don’t wonder why. Denial helps avoid the inevitable guilt when realizing that society allows and encourages this abomination.

Link via Clara.

You can find more information on the PlastiBell ring from its make, Hollister.

Hollister Incorporated is an independently-owned global company that develops, manufactures and markets healthcare products, servicing over 90 countries. From the earliest days of our company, there has been a strong sense of community—a connection to people. That connection is embedded in the very fabric of our company, and as we continue to develop new products and services, we are focused on meeting the healthcare needs of people throughout the global community.

Routine infant circumcision is not a “healthcare need”. While I’m sure Hollister feels it is serving the health care community, I don’t understand how making a product that violates the human rights of every single patient who has that product attached to his penis conforms to Hollister’s mission “that the ethical way is the only way to conduct our business.”

Religion, Reason & Circumcision

I read a lot of frustrating (to me) statements about circumcision. Here’s one for today:

We often get the idea that God is out to deprive us of something. We read the Bible, and particularly the Law, as enlightened Westerners and marvel at the ridiculous things God required of his people. Or were they ridiculous…? It is not so uncommon for science to catch up to what God told people several thousand years ago.

Maybe, just maybe, God knew something about hygiene and health all along. Circumcision and monogamy do go a very long way toward protecting both partners from infection and disease. I wonder what else God knows that we haven’t figured out yet….

It’s also not so uncommon for science to disprove what God told people several thousand years ago.

Whether or not the Bible contains any literal truth or not is beyond my concern here. I can accept that some of it is probably true in the process of stating that much of it reads like a collection of parables rather than a text of historical record-keeping. It’s also worth noting that the New Testament clearly indicates that circumcision is not a requirement or a command for the followers of Jesus. For the sake of the 21st Century argument against circumcision, both points are irrelevant. We live in a society ruled by laws. Inherent human rights must inform those laws. No words from any book can be used to justify cutting away the healthy foreskin of a child.

Several demonstrable historical facts are also important here. At the time of the Bible and Christ, without access to clean water for regular bathing, hygiene was probably an issue. That wouldn’t have justified the routine circumcision of infants, for even then, medical practice should not have involved removing healthy body parts from children. (Is the curse of poor hygiene only attributable to the foreskin, where girls stay daisy-fresh without regular bathing?) However, we do not face that condition today in the Western world¹.

We also know that the foreskin has health/biological functions. It protects the sensitive mucous membrane of the glans and inner foreskin from damage and keratinization. It provides sexual pleasure for both men and women. It has a functional purpose during intercourse. It is neither an anatomical mistake of evolution nor a proving ground for faith.

We also know that the historical reality of circumcision and the “modern”, Western reality of circumcision are different. In Biblical times, circumcision generally involved removing whatever part of the foreskin protruded beyond the tip of the glans. Today, and particularly in circumcision designed to reduce HIV transmission, Western medicine removes a significant portion of the foreskin. In infancy, this requires tearing the adhered foreskin from the glans. It generally involves removing the sensitive frenulum, as well. The penis is more “skinned” than cut.

What we practice today – the ritual mutilation of children for religious and cultural reasons – was not handed down from God. Whether from evolution, God, or some combination of both, we have brains. We are meant to use them. God never commanded circumcision, as explained in detail in Marked in Your Flesh by Leonard Glick. But if He did, I’m not willing to descend to such irrational behavior when reason demands a different response. As I’ve said before, any god who would demand such an abomination is not a god who deserves respect or allegiance.

¹ The development of antibiotics and condoms, in addition to monogamy, further reduces the notion that we should invade the body of an innocent child with a scalpel because he might act irresponsibly. Of course, if he’s being monogamous according to God’s law, he probably doesn’t need circumcision to protect him from HIV.

They are equal human beings.


For 3-year-old Amira, a law banning female genital mutilation in Eritrea came too late.

Wrapped in an orange traditional dress, Amira’s mother, who gives her name only as Gerejet, says she circumcised the child to please her future husband.

“It was the culture that we have taken from our grandmothers, but we also do it for the pleasure of the men,” the 30-year-old told Reuters in a small village 100 kilometers (62 miles) west of the Eritrean capital, Asmara.

When people say there is zero comparison between cutting the genitals of males and females, they are blind to the obvious. Change the pronouns in that excerpt and it would be eerily familiar to the unspoken thought process of several thousand surgeries carried out every day in America. There are complexities within the comparison that should not be shoved aside, of course, but the justifications for cutting are too similar to ignore.

Semantic lunacy demonstrates intellectual lunacy.

Via Hit & Run, I see that Nebraska has an interesting understanding of the Constitution and legislating.

A member of the Kansas group that has drawn criticism for protesting at soldiers’ funerals has been arrested for letting her 10-year-old son stomp on a U.S. flag during a demonstration. She promised Wednesday to challenge the state’s flag desecration law in court.

Shirley Phelps-Roper, 49, will be charged with flag mutilation, disturbing the peace and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Sarpy County Attorney Lee Polikov said Wednesday.

Nebraska’s flag law says: “A person commits the offense of mutilating a flag if such person intentionally casts contempt or ridicule upon a flag by mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning, or trampling upon such flag.”

Let me understand this. In Nebraska, it’s illegal to “mutilate” a flag, but it’s legal to mutilate a boy’s penis. <sarcasm>That seems reasonable.</sarcasm>

HIV Conferences are dangerous to genital integrity.

Following up on my previous post, some typical and not-so-typical arguments appeared at the Third South African AIDS Conference earlier this week. First, the typical in describing the apparent risk-reduction from the recent HIV studies:

“The effect was long-lasting, there wasn’t disinhibition [increased sexual risk-taking], they didn’t screw around more, they didn’t use condoms less,” said Neil Martinson¹.

Remember that both circumcised and intact groups in the studies saw a more significant drop in their rate of HIV infection over their national HIV infection rate than the effect presumably provided by circumcision. But it’s easier to keep focusing on circumcision, because that (allegedly) removes the human factor from HIV prevention. Sure.


“There’s no question that we need a male circumcision programme, but a mass programme is more debateable. Operationalising it is going to be complicated,” said Professor Alan Whiteside of the University of KwaZulu Natal.

He advocated routine opt-out male circumcision at birth. “Thirty years from now we’ll be so glad we did it.” He believes that “if we’d started 25 years ago we wouldn’t be in this godawful mess.”

An audience member suggested that op-out circumcision should also become standard practice for adult males who attend sexually transmitted infection clinics.

…routine opt-out male circumcision at birth. When talking about saving for retirement, opt-out programs make sense. It involves only the person whose money will be siphoned off into a separate, presently untouchable account. There is a (mostly) objective rationale behind the requirement. It’s a form of “we know better what you should do”. But he can easily reject this. He can also reverse his decision later.

Routine opt-out male circumcision at birth requires a specific action from one group (parents) to avoid violating another’s (their male child) right to not have part of his genitals cut off without medical need. There is an entirely subjective reasoning behind the requirement. Parents could reject this, although they’d likely receive information with overblown, fear-based hysteria. The experts are counting on the well-intentioned parental desire to protect children, with a bit of residual goodwill toward the procedure if the father’s chosen it for himself. But the male child can never reverse this decision. This is little more than social engineering with children and their genitals as pawns for the public health nannys.

If African nations had started routine infant male circumcision 25 years ago, they might not be in this “godawful mess, but they’d also have a generation of cut males to demonstrate that HIV infection is still possible and that more effective, less invasive methods of prevention already exist. But don’t bother to learn from the United States the lessons that are inconvenient to learning what you want to learn from the United States.

Now, for a moment of respite from insanity, something non-typical:

However Professor Timothy Quinlan of the Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division at the University of KwaZulu Natal was sceptical about the need for a mass programme, arguing that the evidence doesn’t justify it.

… he said, prevention needs to focus on the two factors known to have the biggest effect on HIV transmission rates: concurrent partnerships and high viral load during primary infection.

There’s a need for clearer messages to communicate these facts,” he said. “We need to promote serial monogamy.”

I know, that’s unworkable because it assumes some sense of personal responsibility and ability to learn among African men.

And now a return to the typical:

Audience members raised some of the practical issues that are likely to arise in the implementation of any sort of circumcision programme. Traditional healers in particular will need to be brought on board, said numerous speakers.

“Don’t talk about circumcision in isolation from the initiation processes going on in all the different cultures in South Africa,” said one male audience member.

But there was general agreement that traditional healers who carried out circumcision during the initiation of young males into adulthood had a captive audience for passing on important prevention messages, and that this potential wasn’t being exploited.

Yes, what about those traditional healers? Ahem:

A 22-year-old unregistered traditional surgeon was arrested for illegally circumcising two boys in Libode, the Eastern Cape health department said on Saturday.

Meanwhile, police were searching for another unregistered traditional surgeon who allegedly circumcised 24 under age boys in Mthombe.

Kupelo said three of the boys were taken to hospital with serious complications.


2006 Eastern Cape summer-season circumcision deaths have declined markedly compared to 2005, Eastern Cape provincial health department spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo said, adding that only four would-be initiates had died so far this season, compared with 24 in 2005.

Of those four, only two were the result of complications of the circumcision operation. …

And. And. And.

This reliance on traditional healers is an acceptance that, among several challenges, the public health community doesn’t have the resources to provide full, clinical circumcision in Africa. Yet it pushes the notion that it must be done both “mass” and “soon”. Why is it so difficult to see how this will end? How many deaths are acceptable? Are we really ready to rely solely on the utilitarian argument that more lives will (probably) be saved with mass circumcision than will be taken through mass circumcision? I’m not, since I’m capable of understanding individual rights.

¹ To another point by Dr. Neil Martinson:

“It’s all about cold steel – it’s more akin to sterilisation, it’s not like giving people clean water, it’s not like breastfeeding that we can all get warm and fuzzy about.”

Promoting mass circumcision is primarily about giving advocates warm and fuzzy feelings that they’re doing something monumental. Otherwise, why the rush to circumcise infants based on three studies of voluntarily circumcised adult males? It also reassures parents with a warm and fuzzy feeling that they’ve “protected” their sons from HIV rather than violated his rights.


There was confusion about who would be targeted with messages about circumcision. Would it be young men, or would it be their parents? Or must their future sexual partners be targeted, “so that they say `I won’t sleep with you unless you’re cut’,” asked Neil Martinson?

“I won’t sleep with you unless you’re cut.” Let’s promote such non-thinking. Maybe, if we work at it enough, we can convince African women that they prefer, and sh
ould prefer, the aesthetic look of the circumcised penis. It’s okay if that implies that men should change themselves to meet a woman’s expectation. The reverse is sexist and unacceptable, of course, but we all know that’s okay.

Let’s have a ‘mass ethics program’.

Not news:

Aids [sic] experts have called for a mass circumcision programme in South Africa, condemning a “deafening silence” from policy makers since studies revealed it sharply cut infection rates.


“I am surprised there is no action on male circumcision. Where are the male activists? Studies show a 60 percent reduction (in risk) but there is silence,” Glenda Gray, who will oversee the first HIV vaccine trials run in the country, told a panel discussing prevention research.

She probably means that male activists should be calling for government funding of mass circumcision so they can be “protected” from HIV. I’m going to read the other meaning in her statement. Where are the male activists? Right here, demanding that males be left to decide for themselves how much of their healthy genitals they’d like to keep.

Living in a country where the epidemic isn’t as wide-spread and pervasive, it’s easy for me to say that. But even in a country like South Africa, HIV is still transmitted through specific, identifiable actions. There are additional issues involved in applying solutions to prevent the spread of HIV, including, but not limited to, ethics, individual rights, and cost-benefit disparities in prevention methods. These must be included in the discussion, whether or not they come from male activists.

There is also the reality that too many women in African nations don’t have a say in protecting themselves during sex. That does not justify the forced circumcision of infants. It is wrong to attempt to protect one innocent group (adult women) by violating the rights and bodies of another innocent group (infant males).

Fight HIV, yes, but do so ethically. Any circumcision that involves an individual who can’t and/or doesn’t consent is unethical, immoral, and unworthy of support.

A Surgical Strike of Omission

According to his bio at the Council on Foreign Relations, Michael Gerson’s areas of expertise are:

Democracy promotion; human rights issues; health and disease; religion and politics.

Not so much, based on his recent essay in the Washington Post, “A Surgical Strike Against AIDS”. After a silly attempt at humor, warning about use of the word penis, he opens:

Circumcision is an, ahem, uncomfortable topic. The traditional Jewish bris calls this medical procedure a sign of blessing on the newcomer. Ten out of 10 male infants seem to disagree.

Right, ten out of ten male infants disagree. I think we should be able to agree on that. So far, so good, but let’s keep that in mind as we look out for Mr. Gerson’s alleged human rights expertise. (You already know what will be missing, don’t you?)


During World War II, American soldiers were often circumcised to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) — another hidden sacrifice of the Greatest Generation. From the 1950s to the mid-1970s, the circumcision of American newborn boys became increasingly common.

And we’re off to the obvious conclusion. I’ll make an assumption and temporarily accept that this version of history is correct, that American soldiers chose circumcision for themselves to prevent STDs, let me ask a reasonable question: how is it a “sacrifice” to society for soldiers to choose genital cutting to make unsafe sex “safer”? That sounds fairly selfish to me. And how does this logically morph into circumcising infants, which constitutes the next sentence in Gerson’s essay? There should be an analysis of human rights offered between those two statements. There isn’t. I wonder why.


But suddenly Uncle Irving seems pretty wise. Studies in Uganda, Kenya and South Africa indicate circumcision halves the risk of adult males contracting HIV through heterosexual intercourse. An author of one of those studies, Robert Bailey of the University of Illinois at Chicago, told me, “There is nothing else currently out there in public health or HIV prevention with protection results this compelling.” Studies are ongoing to see if male circumcision protects women from transmission — researchers suspect it might but are waiting for the evidence. The benefit for men, however, is increasingly undeniable.

Quaint, worthless reference to Uncle Irving aside, I’m calling bullshit. Condoms offer far more protection from HIV than circumcision could ever hope to achieve. I don’t need to deny anything about circumcision to know this. Any scientist who claims otherwise is an idiot and unworthy of conducting genital cutting studies on human beings.

After a quick bit in which Mr. Gerson presents scientific speculation as fact¹, without naming Langerhans cells or paying lip service to contradictory evidence, Mr. Gerson continues:

… Massive infection rates seem to be associated with uncircumcised males, ulcerative STDs and having many concurrent sexual partners. Researchers hope that broader circumcision will remove a contributor to this deadly cycle.

Don’t get distracted by the wrong parts of those sentences. Mr. Gerson expects you to focus primarily on one part, “uncircumcised males”. But that’s not useful to the eventual decision on whether circumcision is “good”, or, more importantly, if it should be imposed on infant males. The two key parts here are “massive infection rates” and “concurrent sexual partners”, which seems to me a clumsy way of saying unprotected sex (with HIV-infected partners). While it’s clear that public health officials are looking for the cumulative effect of mass circumcision, I challenge anyone to argue that the decision to undergo genital cutting shouldn’t be on an individual² basis. If we dismiss the notion of the individual, we eventually end at mandatory circumcision. That is simply unacceptable.

It should be clear to everyone that the real issue with (female-to-male) HIV transmission is the inevitable consequence of unprotected sex with HIV-positive partners. Circumcision will not prevent that. It may delay it, but infection will occur eventually. We already know that condoms and other safe sex practices are far more effective than circumcision, but it’s worth emphasizing something useful from the studies in Africa. I hadn’t thought to analyze the data this way, but Justin Jackson at This Week in Science offers a critical clarification of the data (discussion starts at 13 min. 30 sec mark). Basically, he highlights that the difference in HIV rates among the circumcised and intact males in the study was small, and even for the intact men, the overall HIV infection rate for the group was only 3.4%. The infection rate in the general population of Kenya is greater than 6%. The undiscussed reality of this study is that education generated a far greater reduction in the infection rate in both groups than circumcision created. When are we going to discuss that? (As he points out in the show, we must also consider the difference in education the two groups may have received, whether intentional or unintentional.)

Back to Mr. Gerson. After discussing cultural concerns about circumcision, he writes:

There are also practical obstacles. Like any operation, circumcision presents a risk of infection. Much of Africa lacks the equipment and personnel to perform the procedure on a large scale. But similar arguments were made against the possibility of AIDS treatment. A concerted American and international commitment proved that pessimism to be unjustified.

Like any operation, circumcision also presents a risk of complications. This gets ignored. Health expertise? If applied to non-consenting infants, human rights expertise?

Mr. Gerson is right that much of Africa lacks the equipment and personnel to perform mass circumcisions safely and effectively. Still, the recommendation is now out, with the accompanying hysteria. Circumcision has begun, whether countries are ready or not. That’s quite irresponsible. But don’t worry:

As circumcision scales up, the reductions in overall infection rates will be gradual. But the implications for the individual man in Africa are dramatic. A $40 or $50 procedure can cut his risk of HIV infection in half. Giving him that option is a matter of moral urgency.

How many condoms and educational materials would those $40 or $50 outlays fund? Also, note how Mr. Gerson mixes the mass action needed to generate a noticeable reduction with the individual action of a male. Stating that individuals have “that option” seems to indicate an appreciation for liberty with his utilitarianism, but don’t accept such an assumption.

That begins with African governments. Both routine infant circumcision and adult circumcision must be considered, especially in the areas of highest infection.

Do those infants have “that option”? Remember, Mr. Gerson already admitted that ten out of ten infants disagree that circumcision is a sign of blessing. But Mr. Gerson advocates it anyway, going so far as to offer his nod to a cheap, dull cliché, calling circumcision “the kindest cut” . Human rights expert? In this area, his advocacy is makes him nothing more than an expert in violating human rights. That’s the ulti
mate flaw in thinking that the terrible reality of HIV justifies radical action. I don’t pretend that Mr. Gerson sees infant circumcision as radical, a viewpoint he shares with far too many Americans. But in calling for more European effort, he demonstrates his lack of concern for the ethical human rights aspect.

On that point, the crux of Mr. Gerson’s error, I like this review of his article at Male Circumcision and HIV. This is at least as good as what I would’ve written, so I’ll quote it here:

This swift acceptance of circumcision despite the obvious logical contradictions can only come from people accustomed to the practice of circumcision in their own culture. The reason why European nations are resistant to the implementation of this measure may just be that they have different moral values. Perhaps they can see more in an infant’s objection to this surgery then [sic] simply an aversion to pain. Since European cultures have no interest in proving that circumcision has health benefits, they may still be sensitive to the rights of an infant to keep his genitals unaltered. Perhaps, since most European males have experienced life with a foreskin, they may find it delusional for a man to choose to have it cut off rather than put on a condom to prevent infection.

No interest in proving that circumcision has health benefits, they may still be sensitive to the rights of an infant to keep his genitals unaltered. Anyone reading these recent studies who doesn’t at least question the application of those findings by anyone other than the male losing his foreskin should read that paragraph as many times as it takes to understand the ethical implications. Mr. Gerson included.

¹ Mr. Gerson also includes this poorly written argument:

A circumcised male is exposed to less HIV virus during sexual relations, and has less chance of being infected.

He should’ve said something like this:

A circumcised male has less (erogenous) mucous membrane, so he has fewer cells to become infected with HIV.

I don’t pretend that he’d ever include erogenous, even though it’s fact. But to state that a male is “exposed to less HIV virus” is silly. The same amount of HIV virus presumably remains in his partner, regardless of his surgical reduction. I don’t think this was anything more than lazy writing. That doesn’t excuse it.

² That individual basis should be left to the male who will lose his foreskin. Others argue that “individual” can include the male’s parents. They are mistaken. But that is separate from the point I’m making here.

The headline is right but mistaken.

Once again, here’s an editorial that correctly points out that infant circumcision is almost never a medical decision.

Are all little boy babies being circumcised these days? No, though I’d have to say that among my patients it remains a fairly common parental choice¹. Still, circumcision, or the removal of foreskin from the penis, is actually not so much a medical issue as it is a personal or cultural decision.

If you’re having a boy, it’s probably best to think the circumcision issue through during pregnancy so you can make a comfortable, confident choice for your son after delivery.

Okay, good, so we got that out. That leaves us with the awful truth that it’s medically unnecessary surgery chosen by parents and imposed on children. That should bring forth a most obvious point: what about the ethical implication that maybe the boy will not want healthy, erogenous skin removed from his penis.

Being an editorial written in the United States, you can read the editorial as many times as you like, you’ll never find this discussed. Since I’m used to newspapers not printing my letters to the editor because I don’t live in the local area, I’m reprinting what I sent to the Daily Herald.

In Dr. Helen Minciotti’s article, “Circumcision a personal decision, not a medical issue” (May 28, 2007), while correctly suggesting that there is no medical need for infant circumcision, she missed the most vital aspect of infant circumcision. There is a significant ethical issue involved in cutting the healthy genitals of infant males for non-medical “personal or cultural” reasons.

A doctor’s ethical obligation is to his/her patient, not the patient’s parents. When surgery is unnecessary, as is the case with almost every infant circumcision, the patient himself must consent. We grant parents the ability to make surgical decisions for their children by proxy, but in every other surgery, we require medical need for the child, not the fear that something might go wrong or that the parents think the child will be more accepted by society after the medically unnecessary surgery.

Given the purely elective reality of infant circumcision, it is unethical to cut a boy’s genitals for any reason other than need, whether those reasons are “personal”, cultural, or chasing potential benefits for medical maladies that Dr. Minciotti admits are unlikely to be necessary for most intact males. Parents and doctors should not impose unnecessary surgery on a boy until the boy can consent to the permanent, unnecessary change in his body.


I don’t expect doctors to be the new philosophers for civilization. But shouldn’t they at least get this kind of basic lesson in ethics during medical school? They’re being unleashed on society with a scalpel. Some sense of reservation in wielding that scalpel should be required rather than our current system of cutting children on request.

¹ The author practices medicine in the Chicago area. Infant circumcision rates are generally higher in the Midwest, as they are in the South. Parents in the Northeast and West are less likely to circumcise their children sons.

The evidence keeps building.

Still more hints:

All in all, the event looked a lot like any other bris, or ritual circumcision. The only difference was that Leo never had to shed his diaper.

“I wanted to feel that connection with tradition,” said Leo’s mother, Erica Wandner. And it was important to her that the baby be given a Hebrew name in memory of Wandner’s mother. But neither Wandner nor her husband, Robin Grossinger, wanted to inflict pain and trauma on their new baby for a surgical procedure doctors say is not medically necessary.

The couple, of Berkeley, Calif., are among a small but growing number of American Jews who are questioning what is arguably the most sacred rite in Judaism. Despite an often strong affiliation with the Jewish community, they believe circumcision is inconsistent with the Jewish ethical imperative not to harm another human being.

Universal isn’t holding up so well.

Interestingly, this article contains the same idea as the article I linked earlier.

Brielle Epstein, whose 1-year-old son, Arie, is “intact,” said she knows “at least a couple of dozen practicing Jewish families” who don’t circumcise.

“They’re a little in hiding,” she said. “But when people find out we didn’t, they come out and say, ‘Oh, we didn’t either.’ People are starting to realize it’s not really that important. There are lots of biblical traditions we no longer follow, such as animal sacrifice and polygamy. Circumcision may be another one we don’t all follow.”

People may not conform, but they want to appear to conform. I’d like to people to be bold enough before receiving confirmation, but even this type of independent thinking contributes to the long-term benefit of society.

I also want to give credit to the journalist and editor who kept this next quote in the story:

Epstein, who lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and two children, said she used to educate people about female genital mutilation, and “the more we thought about it, the more we made the comparison.”

I had to do a double-take to realize that no qualification followed. Bravo.

The rest of the article is excellent. There are a few quotes that I disagree with on principle because they ignore the notion that performing unnecessary genital surgery on a child is wrong. I’m not indifferent to religious reasoning, but it must come from the male being circumcised. Any religious justification must move beyond tradition and include a modern ethical framework that includes the child.

I want everyone to “get it” right now, but articles like this give me hope that the future will be better.

Opinion is not universally a fact.

To recap, the New Yorker review of Christopher Hitchens’ new book, God Is Not Great, included this:

… Hitchens lunges at male circumcision. He claims that it is a medically dangerous procedure that has made countless lives miserable. This will come as news to the Jewish community, where male circumcision is universal…

I briefly challenged that in my entry about the review. Although it’s from Canada, this story adds to the clear distinction that the reviewer, Anthony Gottlieb, is pushing his belief as a fact, presumably because it sounds correct so it must be correct.

Growing up in Victoria, Alana Moon went to Jewish school, attended synagogue most Saturdays and celebrated the Sabbath.

But when her son, Amani, was born, Ms. Moon couldn’t rationalize the idea of making her newborn go through elective surgery. She refused to have him circumcised – and joined a small but growing number of Jews who are rejecting an ancient, fundamental tenet of their faith.

In recent decades, circumcision rates have plummeted in hospitals across Canada, largely because of the medical consensus that the practice doesn’t have the health benefits once believed. Increasingly vocal members of the anti-circumcision lobby, who say the process is unnecessary and barbaric, have also played a role.

Now, a Jewish wing has joined their ranks, including a small number of scholars and rabbis, support groups and websites. They point out that a circumcised penis isn’t required to make someone Jewish, even according to Orthodox law. An alternative bris ceremony, minus the surgery, is gaining ground among Jews opposed to circumcision.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for a retraction from the reviewer.

Still, I’m willing to consider that this next paragraph helps explain Mr. Gottlieb’s mistake, but it will be evident how not questioning his assumption can help perpetuate it.

A small pocket of Jewish boys are now growing up with their foreskins intact – a trend many Jews find troubling. Parents who make the radical choice not to circumcise face such huge social and familial pressure, many refuse to talk about it or tell their friends.

“There’s that whole thing, are you loyal to the faith? Are you loyal to the tribe?” says a Toronto mother who, like many contacted for this story, asked to remain anonymous.

A Jewish friend of mine left her son intact. From the few stories she’s told me, it’s clear this sort of pressure is quite real. Is it possible, though, that there are more Jewish parents refusing to circumcise their sons than we know about, since we can’t count those who refuse to discuss it? I won’t make any claims on the prevalence, but it’s at least obvious that universal is untrue.

One final thought:

… Amani, is now 7. “I think he’s going to thank me when he’s older,” Ms. Moon says.

I’m sure he will, but if he doesn’t, he has the choice to have himself circumcised. Whether he chooses it for aesthetics, potential health benefits, or to practice his religion, the choice to remove a healthy part of his body will be his. That’s appropriate.